The world of Indie music can seem overwhelming and exclusive. Approachable Indie wants to make the world of Indie music more approachable to anyone who is curious about Indie artists and influences, but don’t want to incur the judgment and subsequent eye rolling that usually follows the question…
“You mean you haven’t heard of _____________?”
Approachable Indie doesn’t want to judge you, it just wants to share some music with you and be that friend who gave you your first Smiths album . This site will focus on new artists, albums and tracks as well as those that are staples of the genre as well as influences.
This site is also a forum to share ideas about what Indie music means to you. The beauty of the genre is that it is constantly evolving. What may epitomize Indie music to you may be completely different from that hipster sitting next to you.
There are many Indie bands and artists that can be palatable to those who find themselves more in tune with Top 40, but are looking for a bit more. An open mind coupled with open ears can lead to some amazing music discoveries.
Well I certainly will take advantage of your site and music. Some of it is all new to me, but this seems a way to get acquainted with different music.
SO proud of you Kasey! Great idea. I can’t wait to keep reading. MUCH LOVE.
I look forward to many spirited musical nuggets.
OMG! The title totally represents the essence of your blog. Your clear and articulate descriptions help new-be listeners know what to listen FOR. And I really like what you’ve shared so far. Keep up the good work! I’ll definitely be checking in regularly
LOVE IT! I will be checking every week
Hey Kasey! Love the blog. What are your thoughts on ‘The Kills’?
Very Cool! Do you have an RSS feed?
Hey Kasey. Been checking out your blog. I like the reviews, particularly St. Vincent. You can count on me to throw some new names your way regularly.
Love the site! Just wondering if I can send something your way? A new band that’s really awesome and I think you may like!
Sure! Go ahead and send a message to with a link to a video or site where I can take a listen.
You have good taste.